[dr]:ops -- dead drops for ops

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[dr]:ops -- dead drops for ops

A p2p transport network for opmsg end2end encrypted messages. If you are new to opmsg, click the link for more info and how to set it up.

p2p architecture that doesnt require central servers
almost no meta data
allows for secure, anonymous communication
no more secret court orders to take down your favorite mail provider
use the same opmsg setup that you use for email
Interconnects IPv4 and IPv6 space
be part of the global opmsg p2p or a private local p2p with your friends

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
drops-0.12s.tar.gz 0000062034 60.6 KB
drops.changes 0000000171 171 Bytes
drops.spec 0000001602 1.56 KB
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