Perl extension for approximate matching (fuzzy matching)

Edit Package perl-String-Approx

String::Approx lets you match and substitute strings approximately.
With this you can emulate errors: typing errorrs, speling errors,
closely related vocabularies (colour color),
genetic mutations (GAG ACT), abbreviations (McScot, MacScot).

NOTE: String::Approx suits the task of string matching,
not string comparison, and it works for strings, not for text.

Authors: Jarkko Hietaniemi

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
String-Approx-3.28.tar.gz 0000045093 44 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000000680 680 Bytes
perl-String-Approx.changes 0000001561 1.52 KB
perl-String-Approx.spec 0000003512 3.43 KB
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