Hardware health monitoring library

Edit Package libsensors3

libsensors offers a way for applications to access the hardware
monitoring chips of the system. A system-dependent configuration file
controls how the different inputs are labeled and what scaling factors
have to be applied for the specific hardware, so that the output makes
sense to the user.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000012 12 Bytes
libsensors3.changes 0000015834 15.5 KB
libsensors3.spec 0000013140 12.8 KB
lm_sensors-2.10.6.dif 0000000981 981 Bytes
lm_sensors-2.10.6.tar.bz2 0000694733 678 KB
lm_sensors-2.7.0-kernelheaders.dif 0000000376 376 Bytes
lm_sensors-only-lib.dif 0000000890 890 Bytes
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
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