The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC)

Edit Package boinc-client

The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is an
open-source software platform which supports distributed computing,
primarily in the form of "volunteer" computing and "desktop Grid"
computing. It is well suited for problems which are often described as
"trivially parallel".

BOINC is the underlying software used by projects such as SETI@home,
Einstein@Home,, the World Community Grid, and
many other distributed computing projects.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
boinc-LC_MESSAGES.patch 0000000731 731 Bytes
boinc-bnc_465676.patch 0000002689 2.63 KB
boinc-ca_cert_deactivate.patch 0000000492 492 Bytes
boinc-client-NotebookWxPanel.patch 0000000733 733 Bytes
boinc-client-hostinfo.patch 0000000563 563 Bytes
boinc-client-rpmlintrc 0000000194 194 Bytes
boinc-client-str_util.patch 0000000378 378 Bytes
boinc-client-wxWindowListNode.patch 0000000720 720 Bytes
boinc-client.changes 0000004545 4.44 KB
boinc-client.spec 0000012703 12.4 KB
boinc-docbook2x.patch 0000000666 666 Bytes
boinc-fs_start_included.patch 0000001352 1.32 KB
boinc-gui.desktop 0000000634 634 Bytes
boinc-icon_old.patch 0000000514 514 Bytes
boinc-icons.tar.bz2 0000045415 44.4 KB
boinc-logrotate 0000000361 361 Bytes
boinc-rcscript.patch 0000001900 1.86 KB
boinc-sysconfig.patch 0000000947 947 Bytes
boinc_core_release_6_4_5.tar.bz2 0011666731 11.1 MB
boincmgr 0000000562 562 Bytes
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
sysconfig.boinc 0000001305 1.27 KB
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