A Backup Program

Edit Package dump

The dump package contains both dump and restore. Dump examines files
in a file system, determines which ones need to be backed up, and
copies those files to a specified disk, tape, or other storage medium.
The restore command performs the inverse function of dump. It can
restore a full backup of a file system.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
dump-0.4b41-configure.patch 0000001279 1.25 KB
dump-0.4b41-destdir.patch 0000002122 2.07 KB
dump-0.4b41-include.patch 0000000260 260 Bytes
dump-0.4b41-pathnames.patch 0000000213 213 Bytes
dump-0.4b41.tar.bz2 0000234222 229 KB
dump.changes 0000007967 7.78 KB
dump.spec 0000006973 6.81 KB
dump.test 0000000419 419 Bytes
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
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