Very Secure FTP Daemon - Written from Scratch

Edit Package vsftpd

Vsftpd is an FTP server, or dæmon. The "vs" stands for Very Secure.
Obviously this is not a guarantee, but the entire codebase was written
with security in mind, and carefully designed to be resilient to

Recent evidence suggests that vsftpd is also extremely fast (and this
is before any explicit performance tuning!). In tests against wu-ftpd,
vsftpd was always faster, supporting over twice as many users in some

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
README.SUSE 0000000333 333 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.4-conf.diff 0000008433 8.24 KB
vsftpd-2.0.4-dmapi.patch 0000000378 378 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.4-enable-ssl.patch 0000000182 182 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.4-lib64.diff 0000000676 676 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.4-nowarn.patch 0000000252 252 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.4-xinetd.diff 0000001154 1.13 KB
vsftpd-2.0.5-enable-debuginfo.patch 0000000283 283 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.5-utf8-log-names.patch 0000002681 2.62 KB
vsftpd-2.0.5-vuser.patch 0000000324 324 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.6-libcap2-fix.diff 0000000508 508 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.6-use-ipv6-scope-id.patch 0000000556 556 Bytes
vsftpd-2.0.6-write_race.patch 0000001545 1.51 KB
vsftpd-2.0.7-excessive-cpu-usage.patch 0000006267 6.12 KB
vsftpd-2.0.7.tar.bz2 0000119410 117 KB
vsftpd.changes 0000019919 19.5 KB
vsftpd.firewall 0000000366 366 Bytes
vsftpd.init 0000002975 2.91 KB
vsftpd.logrotate 0000000184 184 Bytes
vsftpd.pam 0000000569 569 Bytes
vsftpd.spec 0000004686 4.58 KB
vsftpd.xml 0000002801 2.74 KB
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