SysV-Style init

Edit Package sysvinit.import4842

System V style init programs by Miquel van Smoorenburg that control the
booting and shutdown of your system. These support a number of system
runlevels, each one associated with a specific set of utilities. For
example, the normal system runlevel is 3, which starts a getty on
virtual consoles tty1-tty6. Runlevel 5 starts xdm. Runlevel 0 shuts
down the system. See the individual man pages for inittab, initscript,
halt, init, killproc, killall5, powerd, reboot, runlevel, shutdown, and
telinit for more information.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
killproc-2.19.dif 0000005250 5.13 KB
killproc-2.19.tar.bz2 0000042597 41.6 KB 0000000662 662 Bytes 0000000319 319 Bytes 0000000539 539 Bytes
notify-pam-dead.patch 0000005730 5.6 KB
powerd-2.0.2-getaddrinfo.patch 0000002463 2.41 KB
powerd-2.0.2.dif 0000007213 7.04 KB
powerd-2.0.2.tar.bz2 0000059034 57.7 KB
rc.powerd 0000001329 1.3 KB
showconsole-1.13.dif 0000018385 18 KB
showconsole-1.13.tar.bz2 0000023873 23.3 KB
startpar-0.57.dif 0000006231 6.08 KB
startpar-0.57.tar.bz2 0000020456 20 KB
sysvinit-2.82-startstop.patch 0000004130 4.03 KB
sysvinit-2.88dsf-nfs.patch 0000000615 615 Bytes
sysvinit-2.88dsf-no-kill.patch 0000001872 1.83 KB
sysvinit-2.88dsf-selinux.patch 0000000960 960 Bytes
sysvinit-2.88dsf-suse.patch 0000004206 4.11 KB
sysvinit-2.88dsf-utf8.dif 0000001478 1.44 KB
sysvinit-2.88dsf.dif 0000001511 1.48 KB
sysvinit-2.88dsf.tar.bz2 0000105551 103 KB
sysvinit-last-ipv6-heuristic.patch 0000001283 1.25 KB
sysvinit-rpmlintrc 0000000222 222 Bytes
sysvinit.changes 0000073845 72.1 KB
sysvinit.spec 0000009853 9.62 KB
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