A secure JavaScript and Typescript runtime built on v8

Edit Package deno

Deno comes with a linter, a code formatter and a unit test runner. Other features include language server protocol and WebGPU support. It has a standard library with limited compatibility with Node.js.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000427 427 Bytes
_service 0000001021 1021 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000230 230 Bytes
deno-2.2.2.tar.zst 0103373741 98.6 MB
deno-disable-lto.patch 0000000550 550 Bytes
deno.changes 0000326807 319 KB
deno.obsinfo 0000000093 93 Bytes
deno.spec 0000005305 5.18 KB
registry.tar.zst 0160034931 153 MB
Comments 2

Enrique Morales's avatar

Hi. Is still package maintained? I tried to learn OBS workflow to collaborate with an update, but I guess I'm too newbie in this field yet.

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