
Edit Package docker

Docker complements LXC with a high-level API which operates at the process level. It runs unix processes with strong guarantees of isolation and repeatability across servers.
Docker is a great building block for automating distributed systems: large-scale web deployments, database clusters, continuous deployment systems, private PaaS, service-oriented architectures, etc.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-SECRETS-daemon-allow-directory-creation-in-run-secre.patch 0000002679 2.62 KB
0002-SECRETS-SUSE-implement-SUSE-container-secrets.patch 0000016969 16.6 KB
0003-BUILD-SLE12-revert-graphdriver-btrfs-use-kernel-UAPI.patch 0000001643 1.6 KB
0004-bsc1073877-apparmor-clobber-docker-default-profile-o.patch 0000003316 3.24 KB
0005-SLE12-revert-apparmor-remove-version-conditionals-fr.patch 0000009849 9.62 KB
80-docker.rules 0000000345 345 Bytes 0000008196 8 KB
_service 0000001156 1.13 KB
cli-0001-docs-include-required-tools-in-source-tree.patch 0000713431 697 KB
docker-27.5.1_ce_4c9b3b011ae4.tar.xz 0010170156 9.7 MB
docker-audit.rules 0000001269 1.24 KB
docker-buildx-0.20.1.tar.xz 0006741160 6.43 MB
docker-cli-27.5.1_ce.tar.xz 0004136672 3.95 MB
docker-daemon.json 0000000119 119 Bytes 0000008849 8.64 KB
docker-rpmlintrc 0000000522 522 Bytes
docker.changes 0000209011 204 KB
docker.service 0000001677 1.64 KB
docker.socket 0000000541 541 Bytes
docker.spec 0000020821 20.3 KB
docker.sysusers 0000000208 208 Bytes
sysconfig.docker 0000000190 190 Bytes
Comments 8

Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

I'm trying to update this to 1.13.0, and just having an odd time of it. Where do we get the tar.xz files from? I can't find them anywhere by the checksum online.

Brenton Horne's avatar

Anyone coming close to building a package for 1.13.0 per chance? I'm busting for an update as the present 1.12.6 is having some bizarre bugs that I'm hoping are fixed in 1.13.0. For details on these bugs please see this thread on the openSUSE forums.

Carlos Hernandez's avatar

Why has this not be updated to the stable release of ce: 17.09.0-ce

Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

It's fairly complicated to package docker actually. I took a stab at it and its quite a mess ( Not only is it made of many different components, but it is also written in Go which has no real standards around dependency management.

Docker itself has one of the most complex builds of any project I've seen.

Carlos Hernandez's avatar

Awesome! I'm glad to hear that you are working on it. I believe you on the difficulty, docker has become a complex beast while it has matured.

Thi Huynh's avatar

Is there a reason why the completion file for zsh is docker instead of _docker? I have to create a symlink _docker pointing to docker in /etc/zsh_completion.d to make it work with zsh.

Bunte Katze's avatar

Hi Aleksa,

thanks for maintaining the docker package!

The latest update to docker docker 26.1.5_ce-9.1 broke container networking for me. Rolling back to a previous snapper snapshot with docker 26.1.5_ce-8.1 makes container networking work again.

See here for more details:

What could be the reason?

Aleksa Sarai's avatar

Please make a Bugzilla report, comments on openSUSE:Factory are not the right place for bug reports (and neither is the forum to be honest). If you use DOCKER_NETWORK_OPTS please mention that in the bug report (the forum is down for me so I can't read the thread).

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