Music Typesetter

Edit Package lilypond

LilyPond supports many forms of music notation constructs, including
chord names, drum notation, figured bass, grace notes, guitar tablature,
modern notation (cluster notation and rhythmic grouping), tremolos,
(nested) tuplets in arbitrary ratios, and more.

LilyPond's text-based music input language support can integrate into
LaTeX, HTML and Texinfo seamlessly, allowing single sheet music
or musicological treatises to be written from a single source. Form and
content are separate, and with LilyPond's expert automated formatting,
users don't need typographical expertise to produce good notation.

LilyPond produces PDF, PostScript, SVG, or TeX printed output, as well
as MIDI for listening pleasures. LilyPond is exported from the
RoseGarden and NoteEdit GUIs, and can import ABC, ETF and MIDI.

LilyPond is part of the GNU Project.

Erlend Aasland
Pal Benko
Juliusz Chroboczek
David Feuer
Bernard Hurley
Chris Jackson
Heikki Junes
Reinhold Kainhofer
Michael Krause
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
Werner Lemberg
Joe Neeman
Han-Wen Nienhuys
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Jürgen Reuter
Nicolas Sceaux
Carl Sorensen
Rune Zedeler

Jürgen Reuter
Werner Lemberg
Chris Jackson
Rune Zedeler
Han-Wen Nienhuys
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Tom Cato Amundsen
Arno Waschk

SUPPORT (distributions, editor support, lilypond-book)
Anthony Fok
Chris Jackson
Heikki Junes
David Svoboda

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000611 611 Bytes
add_dircategories_to_documentation.patch 0000027443 26.8 KB
lilypond-2.24.4-documentation.tar.xz 0175056252 167 MB
lilypond-missing-lgc.patch 0000000488 488 Bytes
lilypond-v2.24.4.tar.bz2 0016979688 16.2 MB
lilypond.changes 0000051259 50.1 KB
lilypond.spec 0000011381 11.1 KB
reproducible.patch 0000000564 564 Bytes
use_cstring_and_ctype_includes.patch 0000001175 1.15 KB
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