
Edit Package xmahjongg

Real Mah Jongg is a social game that originated in China thousands of years ago. Four players, named after the four winds, take tiles from a wall in turn. The best tiles are made of ivory and wood; they click pleasantly when you knock them together. Computer Solitaire Mah Jongg (xmahjongg being one of the sillier examples) is nothing like that but it's fun, or it must be, since there are like 300 shareware versions available for Windows. This is for X11 and it's free.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
xmahjongg-3.7.tar.gz 0000551834 539 KB
xmahjongg.changes 0000000861 861 Bytes
xmahjongg.desktop 0000002297 2.24 KB
xmahjongg.png 0000008089 7.9 KB
xmahjongg.spec 0000002015 1.97 KB
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