
Edit Package yt-dlp
No description set
Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_scmsync.obsinfo 0000000153 153 Bytes
build.specials.obscpio 0000000256 256 Bytes
yt-dlp-rpmlintrc 0000000029 29 Bytes
yt-dlp.changes 0000100222 97.9 KB
yt-dlp.spec 0000003930 3.84 KB
yt-dlp.tar.gz 0005827713 5.56 MB
Comments 1

Mamatazim Kozubaev's avatar

Can you add a python library to the package when building? there is such a video-downloader program and at startup it requires the yt_dlp module to work. Fedora packages are built with the python library by default.

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