Serif Font for Classicists, Biblical Scholars, Medievalists, and Linguists

Edit Package google-cardo-fonts

Cardo is a large Unicode font specifically designed for the needs
of classicists, Biblical scholars, medievalists, and linguists.
It also works well for general typesetting in situations where a
high-quality Old Style font is appropriate. Its large character
set supports many modern languages as well as those needed by
scholars. Cardo also contains features that are required for
high-quality typography such as ligatures, text figures (also
known as old style numerals), true small capitals and a variety
of punctuation and space characters.

Designer: David Perry

Source Files
Filename Size Changed 0002884040 2.75 MB
google-cardo-fonts.changes 0000000192 192 Bytes
google-cardo-fonts.spec 0000002287 2.23 KB
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