Java library for format string checks

Edit Package jformatstring

This project is derived from Sun's implementation of java.util.Formatter. It
is designed to allow compile time checks as to whether or not a use of format
string will be erronous when executed at runtime.

This code is derived from the OpenJDK implementation, jdk1.7.0-b35. As such,
it is licensed under the same license as OpenJDK, GPL v2 + the Classpath

This project is preliminary, and the API is subject to change. The library
produced by compiling this project is used by the FindBugs project. To avoid
any licensing questions due to incompatible licenses (FindBugs is licensed
under the LGPL), it is broken out as a separate project. While there may be
some confusion/discussion about the licenses, the FindBugs project does not
interpret the FindBugs LGPL license to be any stronger than GPL v2 + the
Classpath exception.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
gpl-2.0.txt 0000018092 17.7 KB
jFormatString-3.0.0.pom 0000003838 3.75 KB
jformatstring-build.patch 0000000826 826 Bytes
jformatstring.changes 0000002707 2.64 KB
jformatstring.spec 0000003585 3.5 KB
jformatstring_0.10~20131207.orig.tar.gz 0000009370 9.15 KB
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