
Edit Package kubernetes1.31

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
10-kubeadm.conf 0000001310 1.28 KB
90-kubeadm.conf 0000000168 168 Bytes
_constraints 0000000438 438 Bytes
_service 0000000702 702 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000242 242 Bytes
genmanpages.sh 0000003172 3.1 KB
kubeadm-opensuse-flexvolume.patch 0000000603 603 Bytes
kubeadm-opensuse-registry.patch 0000000742 742 Bytes
kubeadm.conf 0000000056 56 Bytes
kubelet.service 0000000558 558 Bytes
kubelet.sh 0000000292 292 Bytes
kubelet.tmp.conf 0000000068 68 Bytes
kubernetes-1.31.6.tar.xz 0021506984 20.5 MB
kubernetes-rpmlintrc 0000000262 262 Bytes
kubernetes.obsinfo 0000000100 100 Bytes
kubernetes1.31.changes 0000006905 6.74 KB
kubernetes1.31.spec 0000016284 15.9 KB
opensuse-version-checks.patch 0000000964 964 Bytes
revert-coredns-image-renaming.patch 0000001360 1.33 KB
sysconfig.kubelet-kubernetes 0000000025 25 Bytes
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