Tiling window manager for adventurers

Edit Package leftwm

LeftWM is a tiling window manager written in Rust that aims to be stable and performant. LeftWM is designed to do one thing and to do that one thing well: be a window manager.

LeftWM follows the following mantra:
* LeftWM is not a compositor.
* LeftWM is not a lock screen.
* LeftWM is not a bar. But, there are lots of good bars out there. With themes, picking one is as simple as setting a symlink.

Because you probably want more than just a black screen, LeftWM is built around the concept of themes. With themes, you can choose between different bars, compositors, backgrounds, colors, docks, and whatever else makes you happy.

LeftWM was built from the very beginning to support multiple screens and ultrawide monitors. The default keybindings support ultrawide monitors and multiple screens.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000265 265 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000234 234 Bytes
leftwm-0.5.4.tar.gz 0010010751 9.55 MB
leftwm-rpmlintrc 0000000065 65 Bytes
leftwm.changes 0000004199 4.1 KB
leftwm.spec 0000003087 3.01 KB
vendor.tar.zst 0022693971 21.6 MB
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