Image optimizer tool

Edit Package optiimage

Optimize your images with OptiImage, a useful image compressor that supports
PNG, JPEG, WebP and SVG file types.

It supports both lossless and lossy compression modes with an option whether to
keep or not metadata of images. It additionally has a safe mode, where a new
image is created instead of overwriting the old one.

It uses the following tools:

oxipng for PNG images
jpegoptim for JPEG images
scour for SVG images
cwebp for WebP images

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
optiimage-1.0.0.tar.xz 0000064904 63.4 KB
optiimage-1.0.0.tar.xz.sig 0000000488 488 Bytes
optiimage.changes 0000000215 215 Bytes
optiimage.keyring 0000001948 1.9 KB
optiimage.spec 0000003157 3.08 KB
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