Socket daemon for the usbmux protocol of iPhone/iPod Touch devices

Edit Package usbmuxd

This package provides the usbmuxd daemon for software to use through the
libusbmuxd library to talk with iPhone/iPod Touch devices.

Usbmux is an encapsulation protocol (think IP, ATM, PPP) that allows
multiplexing several conversations onto a single pair of wires.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000536 536 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000241 241 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000008 8 Bytes
harden_usbmuxd.service.patch 0000000788 788 Bytes
usbmuxd-1.1.1+git69.523f700.tar.gz 0000068195 66.6 KB
usbmuxd.changes 0000017519 17.1 KB
usbmuxd.spec 0000002892 2.82 KB
usbmuxd.sysusers 0000000108 108 Bytes
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