Zig Programming Language

Edit Package zig

A general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal and reusable software.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0000-remove-lld-in-cmakelist.patch 0000000691 691 Bytes
0001-invoke-lld.patch 0000004857 4.74 KB
0002-no-lld-libs-and-includes.patch 0000002606 2.54 KB
_constraints 0000001599 1.56 KB
macros.zig 0000001131 1.1 KB
zig-0.13.0.tar.xz 0017220728 16.4 MB
zig-rpmlintrc 0000000169 169 Bytes
zig.changes 0000004209 4.11 KB
zig.spec 0000003976 3.88 KB
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