48x48x1 Image Compression and Decompression

Edit Package compface

The programs compface and uncompface convert 48x48x1 images to and from
a compressed format. The purpose of the programs is to allow the
inclusion of face images within mail headers using the field name
"X-face:". They make use of a library that allows the compression and
decompression algorithms to be used in other programs, such as mail
dispatchers and mail notification daemons.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Makefile.patch 0000003203 3.13 KB
compface-1.5.2.tar.gz 0000046970 45.9 KB
compface-test.xbm 0000001560 1.52 KB
compface.changes 0000003348 3.27 KB
compface.spec 0000002751 2.69 KB
config.patch 0000000268 268 Bytes
debian.patch 0000003903 3.81 KB
xbm2face 0000000499 499 Bytes
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