Utility to lock/unlock the screen based on the presence of bluetooth devices

Edit Package blueproximity

BlueProximity adds security to your desktop by automatically locking and
unlocking the screen when you and your phone leave/enter the desk. Think
of a proximity detector for your mobile phone via bluetooth.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
blueproximity-1.2.5.tar.bz2 0000289234 282 KB
blueproximity-fix-bash-script.diff 0000000222 222 Bytes
blueproximity-python-ConfigObj.patch 0000001229 1.2 KB
blueproximity-suseization.diff 0000003567 3.48 KB
blueproximity.changes 0000001441 1.41 KB
blueproximity.spec 0000003836 3.75 KB
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