
Edit Package enlightenment

Enlightenment window manager and desktop environment is really fast, configurable and beautiful. Provides the latest version of Enlightenment, and is the successor to e17.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
dont_offer_updates.patch 0000000812 812 Bytes
enlightenment-0.16.999.65256-dont_require_suidbit.patch 0000000590 590 Bytes
enlightenment-0.22.3.tar.xz 0025648576 24.5 MB
enlightenment.changes 0000064360 62.9 KB
enlightenment.pam 0000000221 221 Bytes
enlightenment.spec 0000013568 13.3 KB
feature-qt-apps-gtk2-theme.patch 0000000688 688 Bytes
feature-suse-disable-offline-menu.patch 0000000982 982 Bytes
feature-wizard-auto-lang.patch 0000002258 2.21 KB
feature-wizard-keylayout-from-sys.patch 0000004251 4.15 KB
network_manager_wizard.c 0000001197 1.17 KB
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