A code coverage report generator using GNU gcov

Edit Package gcovr

Gcovr provides a utility for managing the use of the GNU gcov utility
and generating summarized code coverage results.

This command is inspired by the Python coverage.py package, which provides
a similar utility in Python. The gcovr command produces either compact
human-readable summary reports, machine readable XML reports
(in Cobertura format) or simple HTML reports. Thus, gcovr can be viewed
as a command-line alternative to the lcov utility, which runs gcov and
generates an HTML-formatted report.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-re-enable-HTML-reports-under-Python3.patch 0000001588 1.55 KB
gcovr-3.3.tar.gz 0000323226 316 KB
gcovr.changes 0000000163 163 Bytes
gcovr.spec 0000002117 2.07 KB
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