Library That Allows Easy Access to Smart Cards (Chipcards)
Libchipcard allows easy access to smart cards. It provides basic access
to memory and processor cards and has special support for German
medical cards, German "Geldkarten," and HBCI (home banking) cards (both
type 0 and type 1). It accesses the readers via CTAPI or PC/SC
interfaces and has successfully been tested with Towitoko, Kobil, and
Reiner-SCT readers.
- Sources inherited from project openSUSE:Leap:15.2
- Download package
Checkout Package
osc -A checkout openSUSE:Leap:15.2:ARM/libchipcard && cd $_
- Create Badge
Source Files
Filename | Size | Changed |
libchipcard-5.1.0beta.tar.gz | 0000825626 806 KB | |
libchipcard-buildsrcdoc.patch | 0000000872 872 Bytes | |
libchipcard-rpmlintrc | 0000000103 103 Bytes | |
libchipcard.changes | 0000010420 10.2 KB | |
libchipcard.spec | 0000004164 4.07 KB |
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