Modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver

Edit Package pdns

The PowerDNS Nameserver is a modern, advanced and high performance
authoritative-only nameserver. It is written from scratch and conforms
to all relevant DNS standards documents. Furthermore, PowerDNS
interfaces with almost any database.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
pdns-4.0.3_allow_dacoverride_in_capset.patch 0000000585 585 Bytes
pdns-4.3.0.tar.bz2 0001211536 1.16 MB
pdns-4.3.0.tar.bz2.sig 0000000595 595 Bytes
pdns.changes 0000056398 55.1 KB
pdns.keyring 0000010504 10.3 KB
pdns.spec 0000012430 12.1 KB
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