
Edit Package antlr4
No description set
Source Files
Filename Size Changed
antlr4-4.13.0.tar.gz 0004317288 4.12 MB 0000000877 877 Bytes
antlr4.changes 0000004600 4.49 KB
antlr4.spec 0000007360 7.19 KB
unicodedata.patch 0003020850 2.88 MB
Comments 2

Frederik Möllers's avatar

This package doesn't contain the the antlr4 binary. In fact, none of the antlr4-related packages do. Is this a bug?

Mykola Krachkovsky's avatar

It's not a bug it's a limitation of how antlr4 is built, it needs internet connection to build itself (maven dependencies) and it needs maven. openSUSE has no maven and there is need to create bootstrap even if we'll have maven some day (to use something like Fedora XMvn with local repository). This package was introduced to have libantlr4-runtime for C++ to build mysql-workbench. I agree that presence of antlr4 arch rpm (not src) is misleading as it has only license & readme, maybe it's better to exclude it from publishing, idk.

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