Multitrack Hardware Recording System

Edit Package ardour

Ardour is a hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio workstation (DAW). It is capable of simultaneously recording 24 or more channels of 32-bit audio at 48kHz.

Ardour is intended to function as a "professional" HDR system, replacing dedicated hardware solutions like the Mackie HDR and the Tascam 2424 and more traditional tape systems like the Alesis ADAT series. It supports MIDI Machine Control, so can be controlled from any MMC controller, such as the Mackie Digital 8 Bus mixer and many other modern digital mixers.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Ardour-8.11.0.tar.bz2 0017812329 17 MB
_constraints 0000000829 829 Bytes
ardour-rpmlintrc 0000000045 45 Bytes
ardour.changes 0000108497 106 KB
ardour.spec 0000007292 7.12 KB
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