OpenPrinting CUPS filters and backends

Edit Package cups-filters

Contains backends, filters, and other software that was
once part of the core CUPS distribution but is no longer maintained by
Apple Inc. In addition it contains additional filters developed
independently of Apple, especially filters for the PDF-centric printing
workflow introduced by OpenPrinting.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000719 719 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000242 242 Bytes
cups-filters-1.28.15-0001-beh-backend-Use-execv-instead-of-system-CVE-2023-24805.patch 0000003399 3.32 KB
cups-filters-1.28.15-0002-beh-backend-Extra-checks-against-odd-forged-input-CVE-2023-24805.patch 0000001579 1.54 KB
cups-filters-1.28.15-0003-beh-backend-Further-improvements-CVE-2023-24805.patch 0000001498 1.46 KB
cups-filters-1.28.17.tar.gz 0001996729 1.9 MB
cups-filters.changes 0000103903 101 KB
cups-filters.spec 0000023597 23 KB
harden_cups-browsed.service.patch 0000000767 767 Bytes
require_cxx17.patch 0000001212 1.18 KB
Comments 6

Therapon Sundoulos's avatar

1.28.12 is seriously broken. Two issues were fixed in 1.28.14:

-- pdftopdf: Correct the output when suppressing auto-rotation (option "nopdfAutoRotate"). Depending on the situation pages got cropped in the wrong orientation or de-centered. -- pdftopdf: Correct the output when the "orientation-requested" or the "landscape" option is supplied. Output could be de-centered (Issue #456), portrait-oriented pages be wrongly cropped and division of the output page into cells for N-up done in the wrong orientation.

It affects not only pdf printing but also applications like WPS Office. I had to revert to 1.28.8 to get printing working again.

Latest version from is 1.28.15

Martin Wilck's avatar

I'll work on an update.

Martin Wilck's avatar

@therapon, I would appreciate if you could validate the 1.28.25 packages from the submit request.

Therapon Sundoulos's avatar

@mwilck, that seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks for your help.

Martin Wilck's avatar

Thanks, submitted to factory now.

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