A HTTP server and IMAP/POP3 proxy server

Edit Package nginx

nginx [engine x] is a HTTP server and IMAP/POP3 proxy server written by Igor Sysoev.
It has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites for more than two years.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
nginx-1.11.2-html.patch 0000000563 563 Bytes
nginx-1.11.2-no_Werror.patch 0000000614 614 Bytes
nginx-1.27.4.tar.gz 0001277177 1.22 MB
nginx-1.27.4.tar.gz.asc 0000000862 862 Bytes
nginx-aio.patch 0000001631 1.59 KB
nginx-conf.patch 0000003604 3.52 KB
nginx-perl.patch 0000000535 535 Bytes
nginx.changes 0000125019 122 KB
nginx.keyring 0000003992 3.9 KB
nginx.logrotate 0000000328 328 Bytes
nginx.rpmlintrc 0000000310 310 Bytes
nginx.service 0000000802 802 Bytes
nginx.spec 0000007193 7.02 KB
nginx.sysusers 0000000070 70 Bytes
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