Doing phonetics by computer

Edit Package praat

Praat is an open-software tool for the analysis of speech in phonetics.
Through its graphical interface, several speech analysis functionalities
are available: spectrograms, cochleograms, and pitch and formant extraction.
Articulatory synthesis, as well as synthesis from pitch, formant, and
intensity are also available. Other features are segmentation, labelling
using the phonetic alphabet, and computation of statistics.
Praat is configurable and extensible through its own scripting language and has
provisions for communicating with other programs.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
praat-6.4.25.tar.gz 0061360818 58.5 MB
praat-allow-system-flags.patch 0000000977 977 Bytes
praat-no-return-in-nonvoid.patch 0000000413 413 Bytes
praat-use_system_libs.patch 0000005090 4.97 KB
praat.changes 0000035723 34.9 KB
praat.rpmlintrc 0000000164 164 Bytes
praat.spec 0000003767 3.68 KB
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