Edit Package python-pymol

PyMOL is a Python-enhanced molecular graphics tool. It excels at 3D visualization of proteins, small molecules, density, surfaces, and trajectories. It also includes molecular editing, ray tracing, and movies. Open Source PyMOL is free to everyone!

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000572 572 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000250 250 Bytes
pymol-open-source-3.0.0+git.1725549602.9d3061c.obscpio 0071304206 68 MB
pymol-open-source.obsinfo 0000000129 129 Bytes
python-pymol.changes 0000055447 54.1 KB
python-pymol.spec 0000004297 4.2 KB
reproducible.patch 0000001415 1.38 KB
Comments 1

Henrique Castro's avatar

Could you, please, provide an update to the 2.4.0 version?

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