A cuddly teddy bear for your X Window desktop

Edit Package xteddy

Normally, xteddy just sits around doing nothing. After all, that's what
teddy bears are for. Look at him, talk to him, place heavy windows on
top of him, zap him around until he becomes dizzy, do what you like; he
will always be your true (albeit virtual) friend.

You can move xteddy with the mouse by pointing at him and dragging him
around. When clicked upon, he will pop up on top of all other windows.
If you type "q" on him, he will die (or, as I like to think of it, be
tucked away in the file system until you need him next time).

That's it. But he's cute.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
teddy-2.2-as-needed.patch 0000000424 424 Bytes
xteddy.changes 0000003309 3.23 KB
xteddy.spec 0000002268 2.21 KB
xteddy_2.2.orig.tar.bz2 0000866796 846 KB
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