Automated Text File Generator

Edit Package autogen

AutoGen is a tool designed for generating program files that contain
repetitive text with varied substitutions. Its goal is to simplify the
maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text.
This is especially valuable if there are several blocks of such text
that must be kept synchronized in parallel tables.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
autogen-5.18.12.tar.xz 0001018412 995 KB
autogen-5.18.12.tar.xz.sig 0000000473 473 Bytes
autogen-build_ldpath.patch 0000000770 770 Bytes
autogen-catch-race-error.patch 0000001059 1.03 KB
autogen-guile-2.2.patch 0000001681 1.64 KB
autogen.changes 0000020406 19.9 KB
autogen.keyring 0000001186 1.16 KB
autogen.spec 0000004516 4.41 KB
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