Utility to Create ELF Boot Images from Linux Kernel Images

Edit Package mkelfImage

mkelfImage is a program that makes an ELF boot image for Linux kernel
images. The image should work with any i386 multiboot compliant boot
loader as well as with an ELF boot loader that passes no options. It is
compliant with the LinuxBIOS ELF booting specification or with the
Linux kexec kernel patch.Its key feature is, that nothing relies on
BIOS calls, but they are made when necessary. This is useful for
systems running LinuxBIOS.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
mkelfImage-2.5.dif 0000000372 372 Bytes
mkelfImage-2.5.tar.gz 0000140632 137 KB
mkelfImage-optflags.patch 0000000442 442 Bytes
mkelfImage.changes 0000001086 1.06 KB
mkelfImage.spec 0000001882 1.84 KB
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