Command Line Tool for Searching Electronic Dictionaries

Edit Package eblook

eblook is a command line tool that uses the EB library. It provides
easy access to many electronic dictionaries published on CD-ROM.

It is recommended that you install the Emacs interface lookup.el, too.
Although it is possible to use eblook from the command line, using it
with Emacs or XEmacs and lookup.el is much easier and offers many extra

You can get lookup.el from

lookup.el is already included as a package in recent versions of

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
eblook-1.6.1.tar.bz2 0000322842 315 KB
eblook-size_t.patch 0000004147 4.05 KB
eblook-ssize_t.patch 0000001587 1.55 KB
eblook-strcpy.patch 0000000577 577 Bytes
eblook.changes 0000002880 2.81 KB
eblook.spec 0000003083 3.01 KB
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