Sans Serif Font

Edit Package google-nobile-fonts

"Nobile" is designed to work with the technologies of digital
screens and handheld devices without losing the distinctive look
more usually found in fonts designed for printing. Going back to
William Morris's baseline "Have nothing in your house that you do
not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful", the aim was to
design a font that could function well, have good legibility on
screen yet also be good loooking, not only at larger display sizes
but also right down to small text sizes.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
OFL.txt 0000004344 4.24 KB
google-nobile-fonts.changes 0000001064 1.04 KB
google-nobile-fonts.spec 0000002030 1.98 KB
nobile-1.0.38.tar.bz2 0000104771 102 KB
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