Mozilla LDAP C SDK

Edit Package mozldap

The Mozilla LDAP C SDK is a set of libraries that allow applications to communicate with LDAP directory servers. These libraries are derived from the University
of Michigan and Netscape LDAP libraries. They use Mozilla NSPR and NSS for crypto.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000008 8 Bytes
mozldap-6.0.7-fix_typo.patch 0000000765 765 Bytes
mozldap-6.0.7-replace_mktemp.patch 0000000729 729 Bytes
mozldap-6.0.7-support-tls1.1-and-later.patch 0000005432 5.3 KB
mozldap-6.0.7.tar.gz 0000674789 659 KB
mozldap-perl-5.24.patch 0000000545 545 Bytes
mozldap.changes 0000001555 1.52 KB
mozldap.spec 0000006704 6.55 KB
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