Parallel Virtual Machine

Edit Package pvm

PVM is a software system that enables a collection of heterogeneous
computers to be used as a coherent and flexible concurrent
computational resource.

The individual computers may be shared- or local-memory
multiprocessors, vector supercomputers, specialized graphics engines,
or scalar workstations, that may be interconnected by a variety of
networks, such as ethernet, FDDI. User programs written in C, C++ or
Fortran access PVM through library routines.

After installation you find in /usr/share/doc/packages/pvm/ the
documentation as PostScript file Furthermore some
examples are packed together in two tar archives. Those archives
should be extracted into your HOME directory which leads to
~/pvm3/examples/ or ~/pvm3/gexamples/ in your HOME directory. The call
`aimk all' (see manual page aimk(1)) e.g. in ~/pvm3/examples/ compiles
the examples for the PVM system.

The PVM web home page is at .

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Makefile 0000014442 14.1 KB
pvm-3.4.5-cons.patch 0000004212 4.11 KB
pvm-3.4.5-gcc4.patch 0000000388 388 Bytes
pvm-3.4.5.dif 0000015313 15 KB
pvm-3.4.5.tar.bz2 0000748124 731 KB
pvm-3.4.5_missing_format_param.patch 0000000715 715 Bytes
pvm-3.4.5_missing_includes.patch 0000004875 4.76 KB
pvm.changes 0000007857 7.67 KB
pvm.spec 0000008961 8.75 KB
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