APFEL: A PDF Evolution Library

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APFEL is able to perform DGLAP evolution up to NNLO in QCD and to LO in QED, both with pole and MSbar masses. The coupled DGLAP QCD+QED evolution equations are solved in x-space by means of higher order interpolations and Runge-Kutta techniques, and allows to explore different options for the treatment of subleading terms.

APFEL provides the user with a graphical interface which performs PDF, luminosity and DIS observables plots in real time, granting an easy access to all the APFEL's functionalities.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
apfel-3.0.6.tar.gz 0008388625 8 MB
apfel.changes 0000008145 7.95 KB
apfel.spec 0000004136 4.04 KB
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