Collection of General-purpose C++ Classes

Edit Package cxxtools

Cxxtools is a collection of general-purpose C++ classes.

It includes classes for:
- argument parsing
- logging
- wrappers for threading (pthreads)
- networking with tcp and udp including iostream-based classes
- std::ostream for md5-calculation
- std::ostream-hexdumper
- std::ostream, which duplicates output (like tee)
- wrappers for fork(2) and pipe(2)
- parser for ini files
- parser for property files
- policy based smartpointer
- wrappers for dlopen(2) and dlsym(2)
- fast http client
- uuencoder-std::ostream
- classes to create mime messages for sending mail with attachements or as
html-formatted mail
- template based fast signal/slot-classes
- template for pools
- parser for http-query-parameters e.g. for cgi
- ostream-filter for counting bytes passed through it
- wrappers for atomic operations

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-add-missing-header-time.h-to-src-timer.cpp.patch 0000000571 571 Bytes
0001-fix-reading-time-zones-on-32-bit-systems.patch 0000003735 3.65 KB
0001-remove-range-check-in-serializationinfo.patch 0000003596 3.51 KB
0001-remove-timespan-unittest-which-is-prone-to-rounding-.patch 0000001548 1.51 KB
cxxtools-3.0.tar.gz 0000668184 653 KB
cxxtools-rpmlintrc 0000000063 63 Bytes
cxxtools.changes 0000006190 6.04 KB
cxxtools.spec 0000007684 7.5 KB
gcc11.patch 0000000875 875 Bytes
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