A portable, secure set of open source, modular IRC services

Edit Package atheme

Atheme is a portable, secure set of open source, modular IRC services released
under the BSD license, designed to run on many IRCds.

Unlike alternative packages, Atheme's core is minimalistic, providing only core
functionality. Atheme is a complete services set, excluding features designed
for oper abuse.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
atheme-lockmodes.diff 0000000889 889 Bytes
atheme-nodate.diff 0000001604 1.57 KB
atheme-services-v7.2.12.tar.xz 0001072992 1.02 MB
atheme.changes 0000012271 12 KB
atheme.spec 0000004899 4.78 KB
example.conf 0000007281 7.11 KB
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