
Edit Package eric5

Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays' quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
eric5-5.5.2.tar.gz 0010649618 10.2 MB
eric5-i18n-cs-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000556017 543 KB
eric5-i18n-de-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000759671 742 KB
eric5-i18n-en-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000205563 201 KB
eric5-i18n-es-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000761577 744 KB
eric5-i18n-fr-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000504012 492 KB
eric5-i18n-it-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000630960 616 KB
eric5-i18n-ru-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000786342 768 KB
eric5-i18n-tr-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000481796 471 KB
eric5-i18n-zh_CN.GB2312-5.5.2.tar.gz 0000446780 436 KB
eric5-sidebar.patch 0000000384 384 Bytes
eric5.changes 0000033828 33 KB
eric5.spec 0000004429 4.33 KB
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