Python-based WebDAV server

Edit Package python-PyWebDAV

Python WebDAV implementation (level 1 and 2) that features a library that enables you to integrate WebDAV server capabilities to your application.
A fully working example on how to use the library is included. You can find a server in the DAVServer package. This server is fully functional and can even be run as daemon.
If you search an easy to use WebDAV server that supports most clients (cadaver, Mac OS X Finder, Windows Explorer, ...) then try out PyWebDAV.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
PyWebDAV-0.9.8.tar.gz 0000052605 51.4 KB
_service 0000000076 76 Bytes
python-PyWebDAV.changes 0000000411 411 Bytes
python-PyWebDAV.spec 0000002208 2.16 KB
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