
Edit Package sanlock

sanlock is a shared disk lock manager that uses disk paxos to manage leases on shared storage. Hosts connected to a common SAN can use this to synchronize their access to the shared disks.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
fence_sanlockd.init 0000004286 4.19 KB
sanlock-3.2.4.tar.xz 0000153112 150 KB
sanlock-SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK-undefined.patch 0000000712 712 Bytes
sanlock-old_blkid.patch 0000000577 577 Bytes
sanlock-python-prefix.patch 0000000325 325 Bytes
sanlock.changes 0000003875 3.78 KB
sanlock.init 0000002000 1.95 KB
sanlock.spec 0000008819 8.61 KB
suse-no-date-time.patch 0000000454 454 Bytes
suse-systemd.patch 0000001078 1.05 KB
sysconfig.sanlock 0000000441 441 Bytes
sysconfig.wdmd 0000000216 216 Bytes
wdmd.init 0000002140 2.09 KB
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