A fast math parser library

Edit Package muparser

This package is based on the package 'muparser' from project 'Education'.

Many applications require the parsing of mathematical expressions. The main
objective of this library is to provide a fast and easy way of doing this.
muParser is an extensible high performance math parser library written in
C++. It works by transforming a mathematical expression into bytecode and
precalculating constant parts of the expression.

The library is written in pure C++ and should compile on every standard
compliant compiler. The parser archive comes with projects for a variety of
platforms. The code runs on 32 bit and 64 bit architechture and has been
tested using MS VC++ V8.0 and GCC V4.2.4. It reportedly works on BCB too.
Code samples are provided in order to help you understand its usage. The
library is open source and distributed under the MIT license.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
muparser-2.2.4.tar.xz 0000159828 156 KB
muparser-abiversion.diff 0000001977 1.93 KB
muparser-optflags.patch 0000000515 515 Bytes
muparser.changes 0000002078 2.03 KB
muparser.spec 0000002996 2.93 KB
prepare-tar.sh 0000000302 302 Bytes
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