Tray icon for launching NVIDIA Settings

Edit Package nvdock

Little NVIDIA tray icon.
Hover over it and it will tell you your GPU temperature if your card is into that kind of thing.
A double click will launch the NVIDIA settings control panel, and right click will bring up a nifty menu with a few options.
Also on the menu it will show the NVIDIA driver version, which is surely to come in handy at least one time in your life.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Makefile 0000000163 163 Bytes
nvdock-1.02-argptr.patch 0000001976 1.93 KB 0000000687 687 Bytes
nvdock-1.02.tar.bz2 0000011881 11.6 KB
nvdock.changes 0000000287 287 Bytes
nvdock.desktop 0000000211 211 Bytes
nvdock.spec 0000002546 2.49 KB
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