Library to find the country that any IP address originates from

Edit Package GeoIP

GeoIP is a C library that enables the user to find the country that any
IP address or hostname originates from. It uses a file based database.
This database simply contains IP blocks as keys, and countries as
values. This database should be more complete and accurate than using
reverse DNS lookups.

MaxMind offers a service where you can have your database updated
automically each month.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
GeoIP-1.6.6.tar.gz 0000882118 861 KB
GeoIP.changes 0000015200 14.8 KB
GeoIP.spec 0000005657 5.52 KB
LICENSE 0000001144 1.12 KB
README.SUSE 0000001520 1.48 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000105 105 Bytes
geoip-fetch 0000000860 860 Bytes
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