A brain teaser game and trainer

Edit Package gbrainy

gbrainy is a brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep
your brain trained.

It provides the following types of games:

* Logic puzzles. Games designed to challenge your reasoning and
thinking skills.

* Mental calculation. Games based on arithmetical operations
designed to prove your mental calculation skills.

* Memory trainers. Games designed to challenge your short term

* Verbal analogies. Games that challenge your verbal aptitude.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
gbrainy-2.2.7.tar.gz 0002933715 2.8 MB
gbrainy-use-libexecdir.patch 0000005182 5.06 KB
gbrainy.changes 0000013322 13 KB
gbrainy.spec 0000003404 3.32 KB
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