Japanese Dictionary Browser for GNOME/GTK+

Edit Package gjiten

Gjiten is a GNOME-based Japanese dictionary program. It uses some of
the xjdic code written by Jim Breen and his dictionary files. Gjiten
also has a kanji dictionary. Any combination of stroke count, radicals,
and search key can be used for kanji lookups. It requires a working X
input method (such as kinput2) for Japanese input.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
bugzilla-348100-empty-radicals-window.patch 0000001584 1.55 KB
configure.patch 0000000406 406 Bytes
gjiten-2.6.tar.gz 0000564845 552 KB
gjiten-automake-fix.diff 0000000300 300 Bytes
gjiten-desktop.patch 0000000394 394 Bytes
gjiten.changes 0000008909 8.7 KB
gjiten.patch 0000002941 2.87 KB
gjiten.spec 0000004914 4.8 KB
schemas.patch 0000001844 1.8 KB
skip-validation.patch 0000000437 437 Bytes
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