
Edit Package qsapecng

QSapecNG is a Qt-based program for symbolic analysis of linear analog circuits.
In fact, it consists of two indipendent parts: the SapecNG framework engine and the application gui QSapecNG. It comes as continuation of SapWin for Windows, in order to give to the project a full compatibility on other platforms.
Through SapecNG/QSapecNG users can draw, solve and analyze analog circuits as well as manage them. There is also the full support for sub-circuits, which can be created, saved, reopened and added as a part of the other circuits.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
QSapecNG-2.0.0-source.tar.gz 0001650184 1.57 MB
qsapecng.changes 0000000155 155 Bytes
qsapecng.spec 0000002395 2.34 KB
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